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Community care for vulnerable children

€ 36.000 up to and including 2023


Hammanskraal, a township outside Pretoria

Appropriate care and protection for vulnerable children

Hammanskraal and Plastic view are two settlements adjacent to Pretoria where more than 55,000 people live. The people are in extreme poverty and live in the most vulnerable conditions and/or with the most complex problems (sexual violence and rape, lack of access to basic services such as water, sanitation and health care, drug trafficking and addiction as well as high HIV/AIDS infection levels. In addition, many children have to care for their siblings, as their parents have often been killed by HIV/AIDS. These families are often not registered with the local government, which prevents them from accessing family benefits.

Wereldkinderen supports an efficient program that prevents family disintegration and provides appropriate care and protection for vulnerable children. In total this program supports 90 families and 1,270 children. Also 40 mothers will be able to follow vocational education.

SA Cares offers help

Wereldkinderen's local partner, SA Cares, offers help through three interventions:
  • providing practical support in preparing healthy meals, housekeeping, in the medical field (often related to HIV/AIDS birth certificate application), budgeting, etc.
  • providing therapeutic support such as psychological help in coping with trauma, learning to cope with HIV/AIDS, family mediation and conflict resolution. SA Cares also provides 'life skills' training and helps with referrals.
  • Helping children with academic learning support. This is especially relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic which means many schools are closed and many children do not have access to computers. SA Cares provides a safe place where children can continue school.


In 2021, World Children helped 6,375 children and 1,275 families mainly related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The assistance was mainly focused on two interventions:

  • Skills training for parents
  • Access to early childhood education
  • Food aid for school children
  • Psychosocial and medical interventions with vulnerable families